8 Ways to Maximise Revision Time

Manage Your Time -  Creating a revision calendar will really help you during your exam. Allocating specific time for each revision session will help you become more disciplined in the matter of study as well. 

Practice planning questions - A useful exercise is to plan what topics you want to cover in your answers. This will help you plan how you will answer the question. 

Practice previous exams -  Practise answering previous exam questions. Doing this will help you to develop skills when performing against the clock. 

Turn off your TV and phone -  It’s easy to be distracted when revising. Make sure you turn off your phone and the TV. Both can really stop you from being productive. 

Don't get distracted online -  Use a tool like Stay Focused to block any websites that don't really help you learn. 

Get a good night's sleep -  Make sure you get enough rest throughout your revision. You will be far more alert and in a better position to answer questions during your exam. 

Avoid revision freebies -  It's great to have friends to take your stressors and setbacks off, but if someone is constantly distracting you, it might be a good idea to keep your plans with them until exam time is over. 

Take productive breaks -  We all need to take a break from revision and reward ourselves. But some activities can be a big drain on revision time. Choose activities that have a clearly defined time period. 

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