10 Best Ways to Strengthen Basics for The NEET Exam 

Learn the basic concepts through examples - See the relevance and importance of the topic through real life examples and demonstrations. You can take help from your teacher or search online to see the real examples of the topic you are studying. 

Study by clubbing chapters which have similar basics -  Many topics in the NEET syllabus relate to and build on each other. You can learn these topics together.  

Break large topics into small sub-topics for easy learning -  Once you’ve mastered one concept, move on to the next. You’ll be surprised to find that after you really understand a few of the smaller concepts well, it will become much easier to learn and master larger concepts. 

Don’t fast track, understanding basics takes time -  Thoroughly read your NCERTs. After you’ve read a topic or major section of the topic, close your book and recall the main ideas and points. Give yourself time to understand the basics of the concepts.  

Clearing basic concepts is the key to solving Physics problems - Physics becomes so easy if you are clear with the basics. You can start reading from the NCERT textbook of Physics to learn basics and then refer to a book like HC Verma.  

Write things down to understand better and retain the basics in Biology - Whenever you read a Biology topic from a book or coaching module, write down in your notebook important information like vocabulary, terminology, processes, diagrams, concept summary and explanations. 

Don’t leave the basics even if they appear too trivial to you - Resolve each and every silliest of your doubts. Never give up on yourself and always try to learn and understand concepts. Learn the very basics of concepts and use it to solve the hardest of the questions. 

Understanding fundamental concepts helps in memorizing Chemistry -  Chemistry concepts build on understanding units, conversion, and how atoms and molecules interact.  

Try new study methods and techniques if you found any topic boring -  Clear all the basics in all three subjects. If you find any topic boring, then incorporate new effective methods of studying to make it more interesting. 

Strengthen your basics for NEET through online courses You can strengthen your basics for NEET through online courses right from your home. Master the basic concepts from the best online tutors of NEET. Check out a free online demo class now! 

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