Top 10 social skills students need to succeed 

Ambition -  An unrelenting drive to succeed can be a formidable weapon. Parents and teachers cannot be depended upon to push students forever, especially once they enter tertiary education.

Discipline -  With the prevalence of social media, discipline is starting to seem like an impossible task. However, only by staying disciplined can one stay focused on achieving their goal.

Diligence -  No pain, no gain. There are no shortcuts in life and students need to learn that the only way to the top is sheer hard work.

Digital Project Management -  Digital Project Managers need to have a holistic understanding of how digital projects are developed.

Sociable -  You will encounter a lot of people throughout the course of your life and you will need the help of others on your path to success and to do that, they need to like you.

Leadership -  Leadership is a quality, which many employers now desire in students. Even schools look at students’ leadership capabilities when it comes to admitting prospective students.

Resilience -  No one has a perfect life and everyone will get knocked down. The important thing is, however, having the strength to get back up.

Be nice -  What goes around comes around. If you are nice to others, then people will be nice to you as well.

Responsibility -  Successful people often have to shoulder heavy responsibilities and if students lack a sense of responsibility, then they will not go far in life.

Forgiveness -  Being forgiving is important. Bearing grudges is not just tiring but could cause you to miss out on opportunities and make you bitter and unhappy as well.

Patience -  Good things come to those who wait, which is why being patient is important. Being impulsive and hot-headed will likely lead to making regretful decisions instead.

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