Top 7 Tips to Overcome Language Barriers 

Between accents, slang, and uncertainty about proper grammar use  the language barrier can make communication difficult even with all the resources available at your college or university.

Don’t fear failure -  Being fearful will prevent you from stepping out of your comfort zone, when in reality, doing so is the first step to unlocking your true learning potential.

Engage with American culture -  Watch American TV shows or movies, listen to music in English, and expose yourself to the many American media outlets to familiarize yourself with American culture.

Rehearse ‘key phrases’ -  On the other end of the spectrum, this tip can also apply to phrases you find challenging to pronounce. If you’ve found that saying a particular phrase is especially difficult, practice until it isn’t.

Use peer-to-peer learning -  Finding a friend to join you on your English language journey can be a great support, as well as added motivation to improve your own skills.

Enroll in an Intensive English Program - Colleges and universities offer Intensive English Programs to accelerate your language learning by placing you in an environment built to maximize your growth.

Focus on quality over quantity -  For new English learners, there’s almost a desperation to sound fluent right away. From the very beginning, make it a priority to focus on quality.

Practice, practice, practice! -  Rome wasn’t built in a day. Build a consistent practice schedule, and if you can find time outside of it to practice, go for it!

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