How to cope with CMA exam fear?

It is no secret that parts one and two of the CMA exam are chock-full of complex topics. Not only will you have to memorize facts and figures, but you will also need to learn concepts and processes which you can apply in real-world scenarios.

Not Understanding the CMA Content Well Enough

People who want to become CMAs are typically ambitious. After all, CMA careers are usually high-paying, high-powered, and high-profile positions. We’re talking C-suite, executive-level jobs. You don’t get to that level by wanting it a little bit: you have to want it a lot. 

Not Motivated Enough to Pass the CMA Exam 

This answer was reported back to me by many people who don’t speak English as a first language. The world is more open than ever, with very few borders on who can or can’t gain entry to great accounting jobs.

Lack of Confidence in Passing the CMA Exam 

This exam fear is the second most common one people talk about. My accelerated CMA Exam Academy course takes 16 weeks. And that’s accelerated. This means that, most likely, for a series of at least four months, you will have to dedicate hours a day to studying for the CMA exam.  

Not Enough Time to Study for the CMA Exam 

I’m not going to sugarcoat this one: the ICMA reports a worldwide pass rate of 45% for both parts one and two of the CMA exam. While those numbers actually represent an increase from previous years, it still means that more than half of CMA test-takers don’t pass. 

Failing the CMA Exam 

Revision helps students in overcoming exam fear. Simply studying is not enough for the CMA exam, it also demands revision. When we keep revising things, they are all set for a long time and will give confidence to one. 

Focus On Revision Rather Than Just Study 

Time is the most important factor for students to make good scores in the CMA exam. It is seen that different students perform differently. So, one should never try to copy others’ timetables. 

Learn Time Management In Study As Well As In Life 

These skills are a must for the students preparing for CMA because planning the syllabus determines one’s strategy for one’s preparation. Study planning provides enough time for the students to read all the required subjects on time. 

Plan And Organize Your Study  

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