How to Handle the GATE 2022 Exam Pressure  

How to Stay Motivated While Studying For CA Exams? 

Be your own master, follow your own course -  Often times we are sailing through our preparations, everything seems to be falling and storing in the right centers of the brain, and all of a sudden you get a call from your friend regarding some doubt about a completely different subject/topic.

Everyone has their time and preferences -  Not everyone follows the same study routine. It is thus important for you to keep yourself unperturbed from such worthless thoughts. Avoid taking calls while you're in your zone.

Break your study material into smaller chunks -  We're sure you've heard about this famous quote, 'every journey begins with a single step'. You have already set foot on your CA journey, now it is important for you to take a step-by-step approach.

Make a TimeTable -  Even while preparing for exams at home, some discipline is required and time is the best teacher. Make your own timetable, and pick the timings that work best for you. While some are night owls and find their concentration is at its peak at night, others might not feel the same.

Shut your ears to the surrounding hearsay - The problem with peers is that they want you to believe whatever information they're giving you. No credentials, no credibility and if you ask them the source, the only reply you get is, "trust me, bro!".

Be patient, everything's coming together -  If it was easy everyone would do it. It's okay if you went out to meet a friend and missed your routine for a day. There will be days when you won't be able to stick to your timetable, there will be times when you feel weak without motivation.

Focus on positivity and ignore the negativity -  While preparing, it is very important to make a little distance from the people having a negative mindset. They will never let you grow. Even if you give your best for preparation, they will keep on demoralizing you.

Don’t follow others’ strategies, make your own -  You don’t need to follow the strategies of other people. Every single person has a different way of studying. So you must make your own strategy to study.

Keep praising and keep pushing for hard work -  It is one of the ideas through which most students score well and become successful. Always try to make yourself better every day. Always try to do better.

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