8 Tips on How to Maintain Top Performance During Your ACT 

Stay calm & confident -  During the exam you want to be calm and confident. You need to just close your eyes and allow yourself to focus. 

Own each section -  Draw a diagram when you are solving math. And, remember, it’s a four-hour test but it’s divided up into chunks, and you want to make sure that you’re owning each section one at a time. 

Be in the present -  Don’t anticipate that the next section is the hardest one for you and then lose focus on the current section. You need to be present in a section that you’re completing at that moment.

Fill every bubble -  Neither the ACT nor the SAT penalizes you for guessing, so never leave anything blank! When it comes to guessing, pick a letter for the day and stick with it. 

Focus on your focus -  If you lose concentration or get frustrated and stressed, give yourself a few moments to relax. 

Maximize your break -  You have 10 minutes to recharge in the middle, and that’s all you get in four hours. If you find eating a specific snack recharges you for the second half of the test, then that’s what you should eat during your break on test day. 

Know your order -  Embrace the process of preparing in advance, knowing yourself, and knowing what order is going to maximize your performance. 

Don't linger too long on a single question -  This is a timed test. If you find yourself spending more than one minute on a question, use your letter of the day and move on. 

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