Technical Skills Are Essential For MBA

Desirable Technical Skills -  The right technology at the right time can be used in business to increase performance, productivity, and competitive edge. One cannot survive without technology these days. 

Office Skills -  The current world is technology-driven. It is essential for managers to have basic proficiency with office software like Microsoft Office, Adobe, Google Docs, and any relevant industry-specific programs. 

Computer and Digital Literacy -  Every individual should know the basics of website programming and maintenance. This can also include a general understanding of web design and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), or it could involve training in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style sheets (CSS). 

Technical Writing -  Managers may have to communicate goals and give instructions to employees to create training materials, document important processes, generate product and service descriptions, and relay department and project statuses to upper management. 

Information Technology -  Because IT is such a significant part of so many companies' operations today, it can provide a leg up to have a working knowledge of IT basics. 

Project Management -  These skills require to understand the basic processes required to plan and execute a long-term project. 

Data Management and Analytics -  A good manager must be able to gather relevant information efficiently and accurately and analyze this data for significant trends or potential issues. 

Flexibility and foresight -  The rate of technological change are staggering, and employers require IT pros who are able to not only adapt to that change but to be out in front of it. 

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