8 Ways to Spark Your Creativity

Take a trip outside your personal bubble -  Meet new people, read books about something you don't anything about, take up a new hobby, and listen to music you normally never listen to. 

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Lined Circle

Generate a boatload of ideas -  If you haven't had any it may be because you haven't had enough ideas yet. 

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Lined Circle

Get rid of all the distractions -  As best you can create a space where you can be creative and focus without having disturbances or having to worry about them. 

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Lined Circle

Criticize later -  It's important to keep an atmosphere of openness when trying to generate ideas and being creative, either if you do it alone or in a group at work/in school. 

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Lined Circle

See yourself as a creative person -  Allow yourself to be a creative person. Don't focus on the memories of when you had trouble being creative. 

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Lined Circle

Build it -  Like so many things in life creativity is a bit like lifting weights, You have to start with smaller ones. Then consistently and progressively work your way up. 

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Lined Circle

Sleep less -  Your mind doesn't have the energy to criticize and halt your creative outflow. It's like more doors than usual are open in the corridors of your brain and thoughts can run around more freely. 

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Lined Circle

Relax and play -  This is a very useful and great use of your time. Go out and do something with your friends or family and just relax and have a lot of fun. 

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

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