Use practice tests effectively - Try completing the entire practice test, not just one section at a time. Take your practice tests in a crowded room, just as you will be doing on test day.
Start studying soon - The largest correlation between high performance on the LSAT and preparation is how soon a person starts studying for the LSAT.
More isn't always better - If you decide to take an LSAT preparation course or purchase study guides, rely on a few good study guides or one effective class.
Focus on reading - During your preparation, practice concentrating intensely on what you're reading. Having good reading fluency and comprehension is a key skill for taking the LSAT.
Get help where you struggle - Identify where you need to improve and focus on these weaknesses. Having an experienced LSAT tutor is also advisable.
Memorize the instructions - Knowing the instruction for each type of LSAT question and section prior to test day will go a long way toward saving time on the test.
Develop your own strategies - During your LSAT preparation, develop your own strategies that suit your learning styles and preferences.
Seek help from experts - The LSAT is one test where getting help from the experts really helps. Taking an LSAT preparation class from an experienced test taker is usually worth the investment.