No SAT Exam Score?

Here’s What to Do

If your SAT scores aren’t as high as you hoped they’d be after taking the test for the first time, don’t panic. Many students are disappointed with their initial scores.

Retake the SAT -  The most obvious solution is to retake the test. Many colleges superscore, meaning they’ll take a combination of your highest scores.

Some colleges don’t superscore -  They might consider only your best overall score or take into account all iterations. So be sure to look into the policies of the colleges on your list, so you know what you’re up against.

If you do decide to retake the SAT, make sure you have reason to believe you’ll do better the next time.

You’ve only taken it once so far; your score is likely to go up most significantly the second time you take it. If you’ve taken it three or more times, your score is not likely to go up much more.

Take the ACT Instead -  The ACT has a Science section based on data analysis, critical thinking, and reading comprehension, so if these are strong skills for you, you might perform better on the ACT than you did on the SAT.

Figure Out Why You Did Poorly -  Figuring out which areas tripped you up will guide your practice and help you do better next time.

Strengthen Other Areas -  If you've taken the SHOT several times and can’t get your scores up, make sure the other aspects of your application are very strong.

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