What Does It Take To Get Into IIM With A Low Academic Profile?

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Certifications -  If a candidate has done a certification, especially in the field that is relevant to his PGDM major preference, that will give him an edge over other candidates. 

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Internship -  If your internship is in a field that is not relevant to the field you aspire to do PGDM in, it might be less beneficial. 

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Start-up internship -  Interning with a start-up holds several benefits that are up for grabs. Start-ups provide hands-on experience and inculcate values like responsibility for your actions. 

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Internship at a big firm or an MNC -  Having interned at an MNC will hold many advantages as the brand name adds value to your resume. 

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Community Work -  Having worked at a Non-governmental organization gives the candidate an upper age as apart from providing work experience it also provides a good reputation to the student’s profile. 

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Work Experience in the Same Profile -  Try and wrap the description of your key responsibilities at the workplace around the degree that you are trying to get 

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Ranks in Sports -  The best way to build an interesting profile taking up relevant activities that you are interested in and bringing them up in an interview. 

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Know the latest happenings -  Reading Business news and business magazines for this purpose might help you more than you can imagine. 

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