Why are Extracurriculars Important in your MBA Application 

Your extracurricular section is an opportunity to showcase leadership, collaboration, initiative, and passion for a cause.

Extracurricular activities are simply anything you do that is not a high school course or paid employment.

Being a jack of all trades doesn’t help -  Colleges would rather see the depth of involvement in one or two activities, rather than a large number of extracurricular activities that reflect superficial involvement.

Showcase your passion for your interests -  Whatever you do, do it well! If you are doing what you love to do and taking the lead in the activity, it will help you showcase your passion and dedication to it.

Align your Extracurricular with your target schools community -  Do your research so that you know what extracurricular activities are offered at the schools to which you apply.

How Extracurricular Activities Affect MBA Admissions -  It is not going to look particularly impressive if you have been involved in extracurricular without being able to show any results.

Demonstrate leadership in your ECS -  Leadership comes in many forms. Leadership in extracurricular activities doesn't mean standing in front of a group and giving orders.

Make Your Work-X Your USP When You Don't Have ECS - As with other extracurricular activities, some work experience will be more expressive than others.

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