Discover Your Competitive Advantage 

The definition of competitive advantage is defined as the ability to stay ahead of present or potential competition. 

Cost Leadership Strategy -  Companies may place themselves ahead of the pack by offering attractive pricing. 

Differentiation Strategy -  Branding is likely the most widely used method to differentiate one company from another. 

Innovative Strategy -  Companies may move ahead of the competition by doing things in new and different ways. 

Operational Effectiveness Strategy -  Some companies just do what they do better than anyone else. For individuals, this may mean creating systems of operating or new ways to analyze data. 

Technology-Based Competitive Strategy -  Workers who embrace new technology and learn to master it nearly always redefine or increase their competitive advantage over those who resist new methods. 

Adaptability Competitive Advantage -  As markets, economies, and other factors change in this increasingly unstable and unpredictable environment, companies that can adapt have a distinct advantage. 

The Information Advantage -  Almost all the other strategies benefit from excellent information. The definition of competitive advantage is the skills needed to outpace your rivals. 

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