Tips to score a Q50+ in the GMAT Quant Section 

Get Your Basics Sorted -  The GMAT assumes that you understand certain concepts and use them as the basis of reasoning to solve the Quant questions. 

Learn to Use Numbers Effectively -  In GMAT Quant, the difference between the guy scoring 45 and the one scoring 51 is NOT that the latter knows more formula. 

Do Not Jump to Conclusions -  make it a point to notice the mistakes you make on practice tests so that you’re careful not to make them again. 

Identify Simple Solution -  When preparing for the GMAT quant section, you must learn to think like a test-maker. 

Use Logic Over Math (Especially on Hard Questions) -  One of the themes we always stress is that the GMAT Quant section is not, primarily, a math test. 

Do Not Depend Only on the OG -  The best workaround in this situation is to review the questions on GMATClub and take notes about alternate approaches used to solve the question. 

Never be Rigid with Techniques -  The whole point of reviewing questions using GMAT Club or the CrackVerbal forum is to bring to light new techniques that can help you solve questions faster. 

Master Data Sufficiency -  Data Sufficiency questions generally make up just under half of the questions in GMAT quant. Since there are 31 questions in the Quant section, about 14/15 of them will be data sufficiency questions. 

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