You’ve picked your college. Now what? 

Celebrate -  You got in–it’s time to celebrate! Getting into college is a big accomplishment. 

Weigh your options -  After a bit of the excitement has worn off, it’s time to seriously think about where you’re going to attend college in the fall. 

If you haven’t already, file the FAFSA and start applying for scholarships -  College is extremely expensive. Try to find as much free money as you can. 

Accept admission and pay the  fee -  After you've weighed your options and looked at how much the next 4(is) years of your life will cost you, it’s time to commit! 

Tell your school counselor -  Once it’s official, or if you haven’t already, make sure you let your school counselor know the exciting news! 

Apply for housing -  Keep in mind that the sooner you apply for your housing assignment, the better your chances will be of getting your first pick. 

Go to admitted students weekend -  If your school offers an admitted students weekend, make sure you are able to attend. 

Sign up for orientation -  If you are attending a large college or university, chances are they will be offering more than one orientation session throughout the summer months. 

Have your final transcript sent -  Check with your school counselor to see if you need to remember to request a final transcript to be sent to the school you are attending in the fall. 

Enjoy your summer! -  Do something fun before heading off to college in the fall! You’re going to be busy non-stop for the next few years, so enjoy the downtime while you have it. 

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