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What are the 8 Major Challenges of a CA Professional? 

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Chartered Accountant is a competitive career description due to the financial and professional development opportunities it provides. y. 

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With the ease of doing business steadily improving in recent years, the number of start-ups and small businesses has steadily increased, growing demand for CA professionals around the world. 

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There are several challenges that all aspirants should be aware of to have a better understanding of their careers and lives as CA professionals. 

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A continuously updated top-notch knowledge base -  it is important to recognize that keeping up to date on all changes and revisions to Tax Reforms and other government regulations is critical. 

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Degrees, Courses and Certificates -  CA used to be the 'IT' thing of the financial and accounting world. And people now demand talent with a broad understanding of new technology, a broad understanding of accounting and, of course, gold standard certification. 

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Growth and Sector Specialization -  Sector specialization can stifle your development and restrict your professional options. 

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Training Matters -  The disparity between the standard of training and the real-world job scenario is one of the most deciding obstacles faced by CAs. 

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CA is a very competitive job with a lot of pressure -  People who work in this field are inherently motivated, committed, concentrated, and smarter than people who work in other fields. 

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