Tips To Concentrate On Study During Exam Days

Concentrating on one subject for a prolonged period of time can be difficult, particularly when it is a requirement exam after exam after exam. 

Find a revision spot -  Finding a place to revise is so important for prolonging concentration. Make sure you find somewhere that is comfortable, with a good sized table to spread out all of your books. 

Get a good night's sleep -  Making sure you are well rested is extremely important during exams. 

Learn to turn a blind eye -  When you enter the exam hall or sit down to revise be aware of all the things you might hear or that might distract you and learn to turn a blind eye. 

Remove distractions -  Make sure your phone is on silent, your internet browser is closed and your emails are not set up to alert you. 

Make a plan -  Make a plan. Consider which exam you have next and which need the most work and schedule your time. 

Allow downtime -  As important as it is to maintain focus, it is also important to allow time to rest and relax. 

Keep your blood flowing -  Make sure you take regular breaks to stand up and walk around to boost your blood flow and rejuvenate your focus. 

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