What To Bring To The ACT Test Day In 2022

Admission Ticket -  Test administrators will need to know that you have successfully registered for the exam and that you are in the right place at the right time.

Acceptable Photo ID -  An acceptable form of photo ID is mandatory to be admitted to the test center. Without a photo ID that meets ACT requirements, you will not be allowed to take the exam.

2-3 Number 2 Pencils -  Bring 2-3 pencils just to be safe. It is always good to be prepared and have an extra in hand in case your pencil dulls or breaks midway through the exam.

ACT Approved Calculator -  A calculator will be important to complete the Math with calculator section of the ACT. Just be sure that the calculator you are bringing is an ACT-approved calculator.

Mask -  Now requires all examinees to bring and wear masks or other cloth face coverings at testing facilities

Watch -  The ACT allows you to bring a watch to pace yourself during the exam. During the test, your watch must be removed and placed on your desk face up.

Sharpener And An Eraser -  A pencil sharpener and a separate eraser will be helpful in clearly filling out the scantron and completely erasing any answer that you may want to change.

Extra Batteries -  Extra calculator batteries are always helpful in case your calculator is midway through the math section.

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