Top 10 Tips To Ace Your Biology Subject

Come to class... and come prepared -  Students who regularly attend their biology class perform far better than those students who don't.

Don't play catchup -  "Catchup" may be an acceptable game to play in history, home economics, or social science, but it doesn't work in biology.

Go from general to specific -  Use drawings and diagrams - One of the keys to effective learning of biology is to master general concepts before tackling specific ones.

Take advantage of lab time -  Experimenting biological systems and processes in the laboratory is one of the most effective ways to learn biology.

Use drawings and diagrams -  Employing imagery, particularly drawings and diagrams, can make even the most challenging biological processes easy to understand and remember.

Learn Vocabulary -  To learn biology, you have to understand the words and the words used to explain them.

Read effectively... read with purpose -  Successful biology students attack each reading assignment with a pencil in hand, and a notebook at their side, are actively engaged, and read with purpose.

Learn how to memorize -  The study of biology requires a lot of retention, recall, and memorization of information.

Preparing for tests -  A very effective way to prepare for your biology exams is to review the questions found on past biology exams administered by your instructor.

Jump in with both feet -  To do well in biology requires jumping in with both feet. Having one foot in and one foot out doesn't work. Jump in with both feet - To do well in biology requires jumping in with both feet. Having one foot in and one foot out doesn't work.

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