10 Things Your Student Should Do Before The Semester Ends 

Review your transcripts: BEFORE the end of the year to catch any mistakes. Make sure that grades are recorded correctly and that classes are correctly noted  so they reflect the rigor of your coursework.

Photograph your work: Many times students forget to photograph their work, assuming it will be there when school starts in the fall. Don't rely on this, photograph it and bring it home.

Register now for any SAT/ACT exams: you think you might want to take. They BOTH superscore and test prep experts say three is the magic number for achieving your best scores. So, if you intend to take the tests make your plan now.

Keep your grades up: If you're a Junior this could be the last full semester your colleges will see, especially if you intend to apply early decision or early action which are due before first semester is over. If there's extra credit to be had to increase your grades find out about it and get it done.

Plan your summer college tours. This year admissions tours are more limited and require the skills of a master Tetris player to orchestrate. If you are a creative student make sure to request a tour of the art facilities you're interested in, too often they are omitted from the general tour unless specifically requested.

Juniors, ask for teacher recommendations: BEFORE the end of the year. Find our how and when they like to be communicated with and get their email addresses. Some teachers only write ecommendations during the school year, others prefer to write them over the summer, find out what they prefer and respect their timelines.

Review the personal statement prompts: The Common Application prompts are the same as Fall 2022, and it is possible that the University of California personal insight questions will not change from last year either.

Research supplemental essays: It's likely that they won't change from last year and you can see past supplemental prompts from many schools, but ALWAYS check the prompts in August to be sure.

Research scholarship dates: These are often earlier than application dates and are posted on college websites. If you intend to apply for school based scholarships know the requirements and the due dates.

Start a calendar to record due dates: Chose either paper or online and start entering due dates now. This includes application dates, test dates, scholarship dates, audition dates, etc.

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