Tips to Revise Vast Syllabus in Last Time 


Divide your study period in 2 hours each. Take a break of 15-20 minutes after every 2 hours of long studying.


When taking a break from studying keep your mind free from any exam-related thoughts and stress. Else the next round of studying will not be much effective.


Classify the topics into core and elaborate material. Core materials consist of principles, theorems, formulae, graphs while elaborate material consists of examples, quotes, illustrations, etc.


Divide your subjects into three categories-a) Memory dependent subjects History and Political Science, Biology which contains a lot of material that needs to be memorized. b) Problem-solving subjects- These subjects include Maths, Economics, and Physics.


Make notes- Make brief points of what you are understanding after studying every topic.SQ5R is short for Survey, Questions, Read, Record, Recite, Review and Reflect. Survey: Skim through the textbook and mark important areas. Don’t take more than 7-10 minutes.


School apps like Vawsum help students to prepare for exams in no time: curated educational videos to help them grasp topics, study materials, and more.


Write down dates, formulae, mnemonics, and every other important information which are difficult to learn. Keeping this information in front of the eyes helps to learn them easily.


Cornell Notes is an effective three-column configuration of taking notes which makes memorizing and recalling information much easier. When revising, one can easily cover the right column and try to answer the questions on the left.

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