7 tips to crack the GATE exam in one go 

Take tests everyday: Take as many topic-wise and subject-wise test as you can to understand your strengths and weaknesses. Once you identify your weaknesses and try to spend more time on practicing those topics.

Multiple mock tests:  Try to complete your entire syllabus at least 2 months prior to your GATE exam because that will give you ample amount of time to take multiple mock tests.

Last minute tips: Do not try to learn any new topics in last few days just focus on revising the concept you already know. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water and keep your sleeping cycle in check. Stay away from the negativity.

Books: While the market is flooded with books for GATE, it is necessary that you choose the books wisely. Studying 1 book thoroughly is better than reading 10 books for a subject, as GATE is a concept-based exam and the concepts remain the same no matter how many books you refer to.

Previous year papers: We are sure you have heard how much importance solving the previous years’ papers holds. But for GATE you have to be careful when looking at the previous papers as just a glance would not suffice.

Goals: Break your plan into small goals, maybe daily, weekly, or monthly in which you decide how you will cover your syllabus along with regular revision, practice papers, sleep, and maybe some entertainment too.

Dedication: Only forming goals isn’t enough, a sincere effort to follow the goals is also important. It may be difficult for some to sit and study for long hours, you may not understand things and may want to run away to your comfort zone (sleep) but you must remember to be consistent.

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