How to Balance NEET and Board Exam Preparation 

Focus on common topics of your board and NEET: The good news is that there are numerous topics that are common in your board exam syllabus and the NEET syllabus.

Prioritize NEET syllabus topics: Your priority should be NEET topics. It is likely that your teachers may have already explained many of these topics in class. With time, you may or may not remember the entire explanation given by your teachers.

Utilize question banks and expert solutions: If you have grasped the concepts during your NEET exams 2022 revision, you should be able to tackle subjective questions based on those concepts in your board exams.

Revise Class 11 topics for NEET by using synopses and formulae sheets: Several advanced concepts which are covered in your NEET 2020 syllabus are based on your Class 11 syllabus. During revision, keep your Class 11 formulae sheets handy.

Use online learning resources for revision: For revision of Class 11 and Class 12 topics, you can revisit your lessons through NCERT solutions for Class 11. The model solutions for NCERT textbook questions by subject experts will give you the necessary support for solving textbook questions during self-study.

NCERT books are important for both exams: Among the recommended books for NEET preparation are the NCERT textbooks for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Keep realistic study goals: Another important thing to remember is to have practical goals. You may plan to study from one textbook but end up sitting with several textbooks. So, it is true that there is several good textbooks for revision NEET revision, and board exam revision.

Avoid too many textbooks: Only if you are extremely confident that you are thorough with NCERT questions and answers, move on to other books. If you revise the concepts from NCERT textbook solutions, you may not need other textbooks for revising Biology and Chemistry lessons.

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