Why do Early Starters get an Advantage in NEET 2022 

Gives you more time to plan: If you start prepping up early, you can measure which subjects you find easier while figuring out the subjects which will demand quite a lot of work from you. 

Improves your basics: Starting sooner will help you get your basics clear and right, and will enhance your mastery of the core syllabus. 

Helps in learning from your mistakes: If you have the time, you can sit back, review, gauge, and act upon your mistakes patiently which will thus, permit you to clear your doubts, improve and become better at every step. 

Builds confidence: Considering the ocean of syllabus for both JEE and NEET, preparation is not easy but consistency, perseverance, and determination can make you excel and grab a seat in your dream engineering or medical college. 

Makes you balance other things quite well: There are other examinations and many other things to deal with when you are preparing for JEE or NEET and considering the massiveness of their syllabus. 

Enables you to learn from others: Learning from others’ experiences is as significant as learning from ours. On your journey of JEE/NEET preparation, try taking advice from repeaters or toppers as to what to do and what not. 

The importance of a head starts: Getting a head start over all other competitors instantly gives you an edge. Time is perhaps the most precious currency that students can possess. 

You eliminate the rush: Imagine that you’re preparing for the JEE only when there are around 3-4 months to go. You would be in a mad rush to just get the syllabus completed, never mind revision or important topics. 

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