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Top 10 Hacks To Speed Up Your Study Abroad Applications 

Apply Early

This is the oldest and most cliched rule in the rulebook to boost your study abroad application. The proverb early to bed, early to rise is appropriate here. To do so, you need to do your research earlier. 

Apply Right

Many students in their state of the adrenaline rush, or the access to spending more money, tend to apply to too many universities and colleges at once during their study abroad application. This only scrambles your mind and your potential plans.

Read That Brochure!

Do NOT skim through the prospectuses or brochures of your desired institutions as you do with the Cookies or T&C on websites. Carefully move throughout the pages, top to bottom.

Work With an Educational Consultant

We cannot rely exclusively on the relative statements of our relatives abroad. So, consulting agencies that have performed in the field of overseas education quite excellently for a long time might come in handy for us. The best part is your burden is minimized.

Get to Work

Unlike the exclusively theoretical educational conventions in India, overseas universities tend to focus on study abroad applications and applicants who are working on, or are willing for, their holistic developments. If you are not that sports person, make some art, write, do stand-up comedy, sing, or do open mic poetry, etc.

Experience Letters

Recommendations apart from your tutors or teachers do wonders for your study abroad application. Internships and apprenticeships widen your networking in your desired field.

Focus on Academic Wellness

Overseas institutions might focus on extra-curricular activities or work experience but at the end of the day, they want to see if you are academically well-suited for their program.

Be a Smart Conversationist

There have been many instances where with only a 15-minute telephonic interview, some students have been offered the unconditional offer of a seat in the program on the spot. The following student can be you. Be vocal about your answers only if you keep up your end of the conversation.

Add Certifications

In this digitally active age, many proficient certificate courses are free by famous universities such as Harvard, Oxford, etc. Use this to your advantage. Branch out into other related fields of your chosen program. This shows and exemplifies the passion in your study abroad application.

Submit the Right Documents

Listen to your gut feeling and double-check every document required by the admission panel to make their decision as soon as possible. Not doing so delays your study abroad application response time and the following applications.

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