In-Demand IT Skills to Boost Your Resume in 2022

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Data Science -  Data science includes the scientific methodologies, processes, algorithms and tools that help organizations in extracting insights and data from unstructured and structured data. 

Cloud computing -  Cloud computing refers to the storage and access of databases, servers, analytics, networking and other computing services over an Internet network. 

AI (Artificial Intelligence) -  An AI professional focuses on creating machines and tools that can be programmed to reason like human beings. 

DevOps -  DevOps refers to the set of tools and practices that help in combining IT operations and software development. 

Blockchain -  The decentralized nature of blockchain helps in processing data in a way that makes hacking or changing data nearly impossible.  

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) -  RPA means applying technology that is governed by businesses to automate business processes and workflows. 

VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) -  AR and VR technologies act as bridges that connect the virtual world with the real, physical world we know. 

Cybersecurity -  Cybersecurity is among the most rapidly-growing IT skills today in terms of demand. 

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