How To Handle Board And IIT-JEE Preparation At The Same Time? 

Smart Planning is Important to Study Well:  Devising a strategy is the first and foremost thing you should do before anything else. Time should be your asset and not a liability. Organize your day, and give weightage to each subject. Effective time management is crucial and will prepare you mentally.

Have a Clear Understanding of Fundamentals and Theory:  Have a clear understanding of the fundamentals involved in all the chapters; it is the key to success in both exams. The basic concepts of every topic remain the same. Since, both the exams have a similar syllabus, you can understand the working of a concept easily.

Cover Every Topic of the Syllabus:  A student does not have the luxury of missing out on a single topic while preparing for board exams and IIT-JEE. Since, IIT- JEE requires a minimum percentage in board exams to appear for the JEE, one cannot take a chance of leaving out a single topic.


Get Acquainted With the Latest Exam Pattern:  Board exams and IIT-JEE highly differ from each other in the way they are conducted. Preparing for both exams simultaneously can be challenging. IIT-JEE is an objective exam with multiple choice questions, while the board exams are subjective.

Practice Mock Papers: Practicing mock papers and previous year's papers will acquaint you with the character of both the exams. Be strict on the clock and refrain from distractions. It is wise to practice the previous year's board exam papers to help you prepare better. Always practice mock papers in full spirit and treat them like an actual exam to get the maximum benefit.

Make Notes: Making notes is one of the most important steps required to ace JEE exams. As the syllabus of these competitive exams is huge, students might forget the concepts that they have learned.


Revise Well for Effective Preparation:  No preparation is complete without revision. Previous year board toppers swear by the importance of revision while preparing for both exams. A revision can make or break your chance of securing a better seat and a better score. It is advisable to revise after completing a topic.

Stress Busters:  Take some time off and engage in healthy activities like meditating, walking, exercising, listening to music, etc apart from studying continuously for the exam. These will help you destress and feel relaxed.

 Gear Up Your Board Exam & IIT - JEE Exam Preparation With This Top Recommended Books,Study Notes,Test Serias And More....