10 Powerful GMAT Sentence Correction Tips to Boost Your Score

Identify the Concept Being Tested -  Always remember to read the entire sentence, especially because GMAT likes to crucial modifiers away from the noun. 

Scan Your Answer Options -  The deal with GMAT SC is that it isn’t so much about selecting the right answer choices, but more about correctly eliminating four wrong answer choices. 

Identify Non-essential Modifiers -  When you read the question for the first time, look out for such non-essential modifiers and eliminate them.

Differentiate between Concision and Clarity -  When you vertically scan your answer options, you can classify them into two categories: clear options and concise options.

Look for All Possible Errors -  If you’re in this situation, take a step back and re-evaluate what the question is trying to test you on.

Look for Meaning over Grammar - When you are looking at grammar, you need to see if the sentence or part of the sentence conforms to the rules of Standard Written English.

Guesstimation -  Don’t spend endless amounts of time on finding the perfect answer, especially if you have narrowed it down to two options. 

Substitution -  Once you have chosen an option as the correct answer in your mind, remember to check what it looks like when you use it in the given sentence. 

Be Rigid About Rules -  Keep an open mind and do not eliminate any answer choice outright just because it contains ‘being’ or an ambiguous pronoun.

Stress on fully underlined questions -  if you find yourself leaning backward to fit an option and convince yourself of it, you're probably retrofitting, and you'll need to do it on the GMAT need to be avoided.

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