What To Do And What Not To Do During Revision Breaks
Do's During Revision Breaks -
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Meditate - Probably the best way to clear your mind. It can also help you learn better by making it easier to concentrate.
A Quick Cold Shower - A cold shower is good for your health in many ways. You become more focused and alert.
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Take A walk - A long slow walk will reduce your stress levels, improve your cognitive function, and will boost your mood.
Don't Do's During Revision Breaks -
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Junk Food - Junk food will seriously affect your attention, speed, and mood. Your learning and memory will also be adversely affected.
Social Media - This is a strict no-no. It is better if you temporarily deactivate all your social accounts.
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Irregular Naps - Compromising your sleep is never a good idea but irregular naps do not do any good.
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