What Can You Do With A Mechanical Engineering Degree?

Benefits of studying Mechanical Engineering degree -

Industry connections -  While pursuing a mechanical engineering degree, students can take advantage of the career services offered by their university to build valuable industry connections.

Technical skills -  By studying a mechanical engineering degree, students will pick up a wealth of up-to-date technical skills.

International outlook -  A mechanical engineering degree can also offer the chance to improve your international outlook, with the option to study abroad.

Careers you can get with Mechanical Engineering degree -

CAD Technician -  CAD technicians require ability to make accurate technical drawings and good mathematical skills to carry out complex calculations.

Aerospace Engineer -  A career as an aerospace engineer will see you designing, building and maintaining aircraft, satellites and spacecraft.

Mechanical designer -  Mechanical designers work alongside engineers and architects to create technical drawings for mechanical devices.

Mechanical engineer -  A mechanical engineering role is one of the most diverse engineering careers you can get with a degree in mechanical engineering.

Control and instrumentation engineer -  In this role, attention to detail is compulsory. You’ll also need excellent critical thinking skills and a high level of numeracy.

Automotive engineer -  This role requires high levels of accuracy, numeracy and technical competency as you will be turning complex ideas into blueprints.

Investment banker -  This role will be well suited to mechanical engineering graduates because of the strong numerical and analytical skills they will pick up in their degree.

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