Ten things to know about studying in India

Where to begin -  Be sure to find out if your university of choice is recognized by one of these agencies before you apply. 

Types of Universities -  There are four major types of universities in India: central universities, state universities, private universities, and religious minority institutions. 

Major Destinations –  In India, international students may find more suitable locations in larger cities such as New Delhi, Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and so on. 

Campus culture –  Indian universities are also known for their beautiful campuses, among them Banaras Hindu University and Jawarharlal Nehru University. 

Where to stay –  The shared residential apartments near the campuses are quite popular among foreign students in India and can be searched online or through the international office of the universities. 

Travel –  As India is such a huge country, it is important to figure out how you’re going to get about. Almost all big cities have airports and are well connected through the widespread Indian Rail network. 

Food –   Indian food is known all over the world to be delicious and flavourful, so be sure to try as much local food as you can. 

Language -  Due to the linguistic diversity of the country, English has also become a common language among students, so this can be an opportunity to learn a new language. 

Paperwork -  Indians love paperwork, so be ready with multiple photocopies of your documents and certificates. 

Scholarships -  The most important part of international education is financing. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations offers a number of scholarships to low-income students. 

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