To Become A Topper In The Board Exam Follow These Formulas


Examination pattern overview - It is mandatory for the students to go through the previous years' question papers and sample papers to determine the important topics/chapters for each subject paper.mark the heavy topics and allocate more time for their preparation.


Preparation of short notes - Prepare notes on every topic as they cover them. Prepare separate notes for each chapter and keep a separate notebook for each topic. Make sure the notes are comprehensive and include important keywords from each sub-heading of the chapter.


Importance of underlining and highlighting - Students tend to mindlessly highlight and underline most words in a sentence in their textbook, but if these tools are used effectively they can help improve our memorization abilities.


Give preference to your text book over reference books - Most of the time, many of us get busy solving all the questions in each available reference book instead of focusing on mastering our prescribed textbook. This can be very harmful to your preparation and you should always concentrate completely on your prescribed textbook and not move to other books.


Attempt all past years' papers  - Examiners tend to repeat questions and hence, it is always a good idea to solve previous years question papers. Make sure you practice these questions several times as they are most likely to be repeated.


Thoroughly revise the easy’ chapters  - Once the students delve deep into the board exam preparation, they find out the difficulty level of each chapter. Once determined, students should leave no stone unturned in preparing for easy subjects as they will prove to be the most scoring ones for the students.


Don't neglect languages - Typically, students with STEM subjects or commerce students with a math focus more on all subjects than languages. Please note that your percentage will be calculated by taking all the subjects together.


Formula Lists - For every student studying maths or physics for their board exams, it is necessary to make formula lists and paste them in front of their study table. Make a list for each topic and put them in any places you frequent so that they are imprinted in your mind.


Build a Balanced Study Schedule - Here's Another Cheat Code to Top the Board Builds your study schedule smartly. Always balance heavy subjects with light subjects to avoid feeling tired quickly. Always mix and match your subjects to stay away from monotony.


Presentation - Presentation is important in board exams. A clean answer sheet will move you up the marks ladder. It is always a good idea to solve the question papers and focus on organizing your answers efficiently while keeping the presentation streamlined.

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