Top 7 Tips For Revision To Secure Best Score

Get A Headstart On Revision: By making a head start on your revision you can ensure better results. Make a schedule and allow proper time for all of your activities. 

Get The Blood Going: A physically healthy and robust body influences the mind as well. People who do regular exercise, meditation, or yoga experience better peace of mind. 

Find Your Spots: The ambiance and the surrounding environment of a place greatly influence the mindset of a person. When a person feels at peace, he/she can work better.  

Put Notes Around The House: Make and stick notes all around the house. This may sound silly, actually an outstanding practice. You can write all the essential formulas and historical event dates on these notes. 

Get The Right Snacks: An empty stomach can act as a significant distracting factor. Stock up some tasty snacks to munch on while you study. 

Do Your Awesome Way: You do not have to follow all those pre-established norms. Make your creative way of studying and revising. 

Think Positive: An optimistic and motivated mind always performs better. Getting negative thoughts can unsettle the mind. Be relaxed and think positively. 

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