10 Amazing Chemistry Facts that will Blow Your Mind

Rainwater holds Vit-B12

Vit-B12 is present in rainwater as it is fallen through the air and the microorganisms present in the air caught up and generated this vitamin through their metabolic process.

It smells after lightning, doesn’t it 

It is because lightning strikes produce O3, and a sharp smell can be felt just after lightning.

Helium is actually a superfluid 

At 2.17K temperature is the Lambda Point for this element, as it is the stage of zero viscosity and can flow quickly through any hole in the machinery.

The volume of water increases after it freezes 

The chemical facts behind this are the strange shape of the water molecule, although it vibrates a little, after the ice formation, it requires more volume.

Glass is liquid 

glass is that it is actually liquid, but it is not observed in open eyes, as the molecules in it flow very slowly. Thus, this is considered an amorphous solid.

Apple seeds 

Tese are extremely poisonous, It contains amygdalin, which is turned into cyanide if chewed.


The miracle material is considered a better heat and electricity conductor, as it is an allotrope of carbon.

Colorful marula 

If you see Blood, Plasma, and water droplets on a super-homophobic titanium surface, you will see these three as colorful marula.

Atoms and chess 

These are really mind-blowing, as atoms make possible moves like the game of chess that is 10¹²⁰.

Alkali is used 

this is used in making soaps, as it reacts with the fat in our hands in saponification.

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