How To Balance Study And Life During The Holiday

Make a schedule - Make a schedule - Regardless of what you have been assigned during the holidays, it’s generally always a good idea to make a schedule.If you are required to complete a reading assignment.

Prepare for the return to school - Many students transition to a new semester upon return from vacation. If you have preparatory work or classroom materials that need to be purchased,the holiday break is a great time to get it done!

Get your family involved - Teachers often assign larger projects over the holidays because they know students will have several weeks at home to work on them.

Don’t forget – it’s vacation! - Most importantly, don’t forget to relax! After all, it is a holiday break! The holidays are a great time to unwind and catch up on life.

Take a break - It’s really important to follow a schedule but it’s also really important to schedule breaks too. Too much work will lead to burnout, information not going in and you falling asleep whilst you study.

Study with friends - Working in groups is a proven way of studying effectively, as you can bounce ideas of each other and discuss what you’re writing down.

Reward yourself - Study can be hard work and that’s reason enough to reward yourself often. Whether it’s at the end of the day, end of the week or at the end of a particular module of study, celebrate it.

Keep the end goal in sight - Finally, always keep the end goal in sight. Write down your aims and motivations on a piece of paper and pin it up somewhere you can see easily.

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