How To Deal With Stress During Exam Results 

If you are feeling anxious about receiving your exam results, know that you are not alone.  Here know tips to deal with it.

Try to stay calm

Practicing mindfulness exercises such as mindful breathing can help you to stay in the moment and manage stress or anxiety.  

Avoid people who could make it more difficult

People around us can make us feel worse about  exam results coming up. Try to get some space from these people and focus on yourself. 

Make time for self-care

Think of something you like to do, whether that’s playing sport, reading, watching films, or any other activity that makes you feel good.  

Talk to someone

You may be having a mix of feelings about your results. This could include confusion, relief, guilt. So talk to someone. 

Know that you have option

Remember that no matter what results you get, you have lots of options.

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