10 Preparation Tips and Tools That Will Help You in All Your Exams 

Woman Reading

Give yourself the best chance with these top ten study tips 

Give yourself enough time to study

Set up a timetable for your study. Write down how many exams you have and the days on which you have to sit them.

Organize your study space

Make sure you have enough space to spread your textbooks and notes out.

Use flow charts and diagram

Visual aids can be really helpful when revising.  Getting your ideas down in this brief format can then help you to quickly recall everything.

Practice on old exam

One of the most effective ways to prepare for exams is to practice taking past papers. 

Explain your answers to other

Explain an answer others will help you to get it clear in your head and highlight any areas where you need more work.

Organize study groups with friend

Get together with friends for a study session. You may have questions that they have the answers to and vice versa.  

Take regular break

Everyone is different, develop a study routine that works for you. Take break in between. 

Snack on brain food

Keep your body and brain well-fuelled by choosing nutritious foods that have been proven to aid concentration and memory, such as fish, nuts, seeds, yogurt.

Drink plenty of water

Make sure you keep drinking plenty of water throughout your revision, and also on the exam day. 

Plan your exam day

Check all the rules and requirements, and plan your route and journey time. Ready your Geometry box. 

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