10 Tips to Increase Your Productivity as a Student

Avoid studying at bed at all Cost. Try to study in a chair or at a desk .

Create a distraction free Study Space. You need a nook where you can work without a TV and Bed. 

Take breaks in between. There is no sense in trying to study for 10-12 hours straight if your body and mind can’t handle that.

Form Virtual Study group. Even if you don’t get as much out of it academically, it may be beneficial for your mental health while you’re studying at home. 

Set time limits for yourself each day. It helps to motivate you to get more done during the hours that you are studying. 

A healthy diet is your brain’s best friend. Introduce more nutritious meals into your lifestyle. 

At least 8 hours of sleep is essential for healthy brain function. Be sure to wind down at the end of each day and go to bed calm.  

Multitasking may not work for everyone and it can even become a distraction for some. So focus on onething at a time. 

If you are exahausted from Study listen to your favourite music and Calm yourself. 

Most important put your phone away when it’s time to study. 

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