Exam Essential  Wellness checklist to fill your cup! 

Wellness is a set of consistent practices that helps us attain better physical and mental health. Here is a list includes simple activities that you can do every day. 

Don't Skip Meals

Never skip meals to save time. Always eat three or more nutritious meals a day. This will help you stay healthy and focused.

Solve practice test

Getting good practice with mock tests and solving Previous year Papers makes you feel ready and confident for the exams. 

In an attempt to complete your syllabus quickly, you may sit in one place for long periods of time. This makes you lethargic. Getting at least 15 minutes of exercise is a good way to boost mood and stay healthy. 

Daily Exercise

Optimum sleep

The right amount of sleep is critical during exams. Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night aids in grasping concepts.

Spend time with family or friend

Exam season means being locked in a room with your books and minimal interaction with friends and family. 

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