Yellow Star

Top 7  Streams of MBA for Students

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Yellow Star

The master of business administration is mostly a two-year program. Its objective is to make an MBA student proficient in common management subjects and give specialization in one management stream.

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Human Resource

This specialization includes diversity, labor markets and emerging economics, mergers and acquisitions and international leadership. 

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Information Technology

MBA in IT is educating managerial abilities to future IT managers, who will be able to manage a business team implementing IT to provide some business solutions.

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International  Business

MBA in International Business enables an in-depth understanding of organizational behavior and capabilities.

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Disaster Management

Disaster Management includes evaluation, search, and rescue, monitoring, reconstruction, relief, and rehabilitation operations.

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An MBA in Marketing helps to understand and analyze consumer behavior, market trends, advertising, and many other things that help to sell the business.

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An MBA in finance will enable you to various subjects like costing, budgeting, capital management, etc.

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Supply Chain Management

MBA in Supply Chain Management is a unique opportunity in the process of business management.

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Yellow Star

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