How to get into IIM?

Why pursue MBA

To launch a progressive career

To make a shift in career

To add a brand value to yourself

To enhance personal growth

Appear for the Common Aptitude Test or CAT Exam conducted by the IIMs (GMAT for international candidates).

After Clearing cut-off Candidate is called for Written Test/Group Discussion and Personal Interview (PI).

The candidate must provide 2 letters of recommendation from people who know them closely for academic and professional validation.

Admission will be made on the basis of the final aggregate score, taking into account various weights such as work experience, gender, school board etc.

The average salary package offered to candidates from top IIMs range from INR 20-25 lakh per annum, while salary packages of newer IIMs fall between INR 10-20 lakh per annum.

Now that you know about the procedure of the exam,  Get ready to ace the exam with highly recommended Study material, Test series and more..