7 way to Avoid Distractions in JEE Preparation

Keep your phones at bay, to be precise any screen should not be around whether it’s a laptop, television, i-pad or phone.  

– Keep Your Phone Away While You’re Studying for JEE/NEET Exam

– Do not study in a room which has big windows and is near to the streets or roads. Because the noise of traffic or the general public could be very disturbing. 

Pay Attention While Choosing Your Study Space 

We all have some habits that even we ourselves are not aware of and perform without even realizing. Especially when it comes to televisions or smartphones, you might find yourself watching television for hours after your classes.  

Pay Attention to Your Habits and Change Them Accordingly 

If you have successfully studied without any distractions don’t feel guilty and reward yourself with one episode of your favorite show or game.  

Reward Yourself From Time to Time 

If you want to focus on your studies without getting distracted then the quality and duration of your sleep play a vital role. It will keep your body and mind relaxed while giving you a boost of energy and enhanced focus. 

Sleep For 7-8 Hours 

It is very important to stay calm and trust yourself so that when the examination day comes you are in the best state of mind to attempt the exam to deliver what you’re capable of.  

Don’t Be Too Harsh On Yourself 

Be flexible with your study schedule, if you get bored then try to indulge in other activities to freshen up your body and mind. Same way if you have only been studying the toughest subjects or topics, take a break and study easy to medium-level topics.  

Be Flexible With Your Study Schedule & Strategy 

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