Top 10 Best Career Options After B Pharm 2022

1. Drug Inspector

Drug inspectors are responsible for ensuring that a new drug adheres to the required quality, safety, and efficiency standards.

2. Pharmacist

Pharmacists deals with the dispensing and supervision of drugs and other medical supplies against the prescription obtained from a physician.

3. Pharmaceutical marketing 

Some B.Pharm graduates are known to work in the pharmaceutical marketing sector as Medical Representative.  The representative is a company grassroots-level link to broaden the scopes and sales for their drugs and medications.

4. Pathological lab scientist

They involve in the diagnosis and study of diseases by repeated and meticulous examinations on organs, tissues, fluids, and cells.

5. Health inspector

A Health Inspector is tasked with the responsibilities of upkeeping the various sanitary standards set by the state for institutions and businesses

6. Chemical/drug technician

They work in a lab or a manufacturing plant where they conduct experiments, analyze chemical substances and data.

7. Medical devices and quality control manufacturing

Pharmaceutical companies often employ B.pharm graduates to look after their daily operations to maintain the quality of the formulations.

8. Medical Underwriter

A career as a medical underwriter provides opportunities to work as medical scribes, medical transcriptionists or even coders.

9. Pharmaceutical company

B.pharm graduates can register their own pharmaceutical company and develop new medications or supply existing medications in their name.

10. R&D executive

R&D executives will be responsible for researching and formulating new programmes and handling existing ones with other R&D managers.

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