Vedic Mathematics

Vedic Mathematics

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Product Specifications

Publisher V&S Publishers All Mathematics books by V&S Publishers
ISBN 9789350574560
Author: Sumita Bose
Number of Pages 186
Available in all digital devices
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Vedic Mathematics by Sumita Bose
Book Summary:

Vedic Mathematics unfolds a new method of approach to mathematics. It is based on sixteen one line formulae known as “sutras” and thirteen one line corollaries known as “upa sutra”. These simple straight forward formulae and techniques help in solving complex mathematical problems in quick and easy steps. The step-by-step easy methods explained in this book help to remove the mathematics phobia commonly present in students and boost their self-confidence. The short techniques elevate the performance level of the students in any exam be it school, college or competitive examination.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Competitive Exams.
Salient features:

1. Simple & lucid language

2. Diagrammatic and step-by-step explanation

3. Solved examples for clear understanding

4. Practice exercise & Word of caution in every chapter

5. Time Saving Tricks & Shortcuts

6. Mini Mathematics Refresher

7. Brain racking puzzles 

Table of Contents:

1. Sutra for squaring and conversion of fraction into decimal, Ekadhikena Purvena

2. Sutra for subtraction, multiplication and division, Nikhilam Navatascharamam Dashatah

3. Sutra for multiplication, Urdhva-tiryagbhyam

4. Sutra for division, Paravartya Yojayet

5. Sutra for linear equation, quadratic equation and rational expression, Shunyam Samyasamuchaye

6. Sutra for simultaneous linear equations, (Anurupye) Shunyamanyat

7. Sutra for simultaneous linear equations, Sankalana-vyavkalanabhyam

8. Sutra for solving quadratic and cubic equations, Puranpuranabhyam

9. Sutra for solving quadratic equations, Chalana-Kalanabhyam

10. Sutra for addition Yavadunam

11. Sutra for Multiplication Vyastisamastih

12. Sutra for converting a fraction into decimal Shesanyankena Charamena

13. Sutra for multiplication by 12 and divisibility by 4 Sopantyadvyaymantyam

14. Sutra for multiplication and conversion of special fractions into decimal, Ekanyunena Purvena

15. Sutra for checking factorization of a cubic expression, Gunitasamuchayah

16. Sutra for correlation between quadratic equation and the first derivative, Gunaksamuchayah

17. Sutra for multiplication, Anurupyena

18. Sutra for division, Sisyate Sesasagynah

19. Sutra for factorization of quadratic expression and area of rectangle, Adyamadyenantyamantyena

20. Sutra for converting special fractions into decimal, Kevalaih Saptakam Gunyat

21. Sutra for divisibility, Vestanam

22. Sutra for square and cube, Yavadunam Tavdunam

23. Sutra for square and cube, Yavadunam Tavdunikrtya Varganchya Yojayet

24. Sutra for multiplication, Antyayordasakepi

25. Sutra for rational expression, Antyayoreva

26. Sutra for factorization of cubic expressions, Samuchyaygunitah

27. Sutra for factorization of second degree equation in three variables, Lopanasthapanabhyam

28. Sutra for rational expression and simultaneous quadratic equations, Vilokanam

29. Sutra for factorization of quadratic and cubic expressions, Gunitsamuchchayah Samuchchayagunitah

30. Squareroot, Vargamool

31. Cube root, Ghanamool

32. Digit sum for checking the basic four operations Beejank