Statistics : Theory & Practice

Statistics : Theory & Practice

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Product Specifications

Publisher SChand Publications All Mathematics books by SChand Publications
ISBN 9788121904315
Author: R S N Pillai
Number of Pages 888
Available in all digital devices
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Statistics : Theory & Practice by R S N Pillai

Book Summary:

Statistics has been given an important place in our courses of studies in various social sciences. No student of commerce, economics, management and other social studies can attain the goal without studying statistics. The study of statistics is very engaging and it has become a part of every human activity.

The book covers the theoretical, practical and applied aspects of statistics as far as possible in a clear and exhaustive manner. Every effort has been made to give illustrations for lucidity. Every chapter in this book explains the principles through appropriate illustrations, and at the end of each chapter, enough exercises selected from different university papers have been given alongwith answers.

The main aim of this book is to facilitate easy understanding of the matter at one reading without any tediousness in grasping the theories and illustrations. Now, this book is in an elegant form, appearing in handy size. It carries all essential discussions, correct answers to the exercises and clear-cut meaning of the definitions in lucid language.

Book Audience:

This book is meant for B.Com. and B.A. (Ecos.) degrees of Indian universities. Particularly it is complete in respect of the syllabus for B.Com. and B.A. (Ecos.) degrees (Semester and Non semester) of Madurai Kamaraj University.

This book is a good guide to those who prepare for examinations of Degree, Diploma etc

Key Features:

The main features of the book are as follows:

  1. A perfect balance of theory and practice with abundant diagrams and tables to reinforce understanding
  2. Over 550 solved illustrations interspersed throughout the text
  3. More than 400 objective type questions with answers
  4. 300 theoretical questions and 1000 practical problems with detailed answers
  5. The book contains 553 solved illustrations, 442 Objective Type Questions with their answers, 264 theoretical questions and 1,000 practical problems with detailed answers.
Statistics : Theory & Practice by R S N Pillai

Book Summary:

Statistics has been given an important place in our courses of studies in various social sciences. No student of commerce, economics, management and other social studies can attain the goal without studying statistics. The study of statistics is very engaging and it has become a part of every human activity.

The book covers the theoretical, practical and applied aspects of statistics as far as possible in a clear and exhaustive manner. Every effort has been made to give illustrations for lucidity. Every chapter in this book explains the principles through appropriate illustrations, and at the end of each chapter, enough exercises selected from different university papers have been given alongwith answers.

The main aim of this book is to facilitate easy understanding of the matter at one reading without any tediousness in grasping the theories and illustrations. Now, this book is in an elegant form, appearing in handy size. It carries all essential discussions, correct answers to the exercises and clear-cut meaning of the definitions in lucid language.

Book Audience:

This book is meant for B.Com. and B.A. (Ecos.) degrees of Indian universities. Particularly it is complete in respect of the syllabus for B.Com. and B.A. (Ecos.) degrees (Semester and Non semester) of Madurai Kamaraj University.

This book is a good guide to those who prepare for examinations of Degree, Diploma etc

Table Of Content:

The main features of the book are as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Importance, Functions, Limitations
  3. Statistical Survey
  4. Collection of Data
  5. Sampling Design
  6. Classification and Tabulation
  7. Diagrammatic Representation
  8. Graphic Presentation
  9. Measures of Central Tendency (Averages)
  10. Dispersion
  11. Skewness, Kurtosis, Moments
  12. Correlation
  13. Regression
  14. Index Numbers
  15. Analysis of Time Series
  16. Interpolation and Extrapolation
  17. Association of Attributes
  18. Probability
  19. Theoretical Distribution
  20. Sampling Theory and Test of Significance
  21. Chi Square Test
  22. Logarithm and Their Uses