We increasingly face ecological and environmental problems as a result of injudicious use of fertilizers and other chemicals (pesticides, herbicides etc.) in intensive agriculture. The deteriorating soil and water quality, and the raising agrochemical toxicity in farming are serious concerns. All these factors jeopardize efforts to sustain growth in food production. The big questions before us are "Can we sustain high productivity with deterioration of soil and water environment?
This book Useful for Soil Science & Fertilizers.
1. Introduction
2. Soil Management
3. Soil Formation
4. Soil and its Physical Properties
5. Soil Taxonomy and Survey
6. Soil Colloids and Clay Minerals
7. Saline, Alkali and Acid Soils
8. Soil Organic Matter
9. Soil and Water Conservation
10. Soil Fertility and Productivity
11. Nutrient Management
12. Sources of Plant Nutrients
13. Fertilizers
14. Green Revolution
15. Organic Farming
16. Farming Systems
17. Different Components of Farming Systems
18. Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) Under Varying Situation
19. Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) Models Under Agroecosystem
20. Organic Farming in India and Abroad
21. Sustainable Agriculture