Seed Pathology in Modern Agriculture

Seed Pathology in Modern Agriculture

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Product Specifications

Publisher Agrobios Publications All Plant Pathology books by Agrobios Publications
ISBN 9788177544879
Author: Khare MN, Bhale MS
Number of Pages 384
Available in all digital devices
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Seed Pathology in Modern Agriculture by Khare MN, Bhale MS
Book Summary:

Seed health and certification has gained the momentum for quality assurance. Standards for certification have been worked out and are being applied through legislation for maintaining the desired quality. Freedom from associated microorganisms has always been a priority area in modern agriculture. The awareness for seed transmitted plant pathogens has increased many folds among planners, researchers, growers, traders and consumers. With the implementation of Seed Bill, the seed health testing shall be an obligatory issue besides the consideration of germination, purity and moisture.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Plant Pathology.
Table of Contents:

1. Significance of Seaborne Microorganisms in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Human Welfare

2. Characteristics of Quality Seed

3. Seed Certification

4. Procedures for Sampling Purity Analysis and Germination

5. Methods in Seed Health Testing

6. Seaborne Fungi

7. Seaborne Bacteria

8. Seaborne Viruses

9. Seaborne Nematodes

10. Mechanism of Seed Transmission of Plant Pathogens

11. Seed Health and Storage Conditions

12. Seed Exudates and Seaborne Microorganisms

13. Seed Dormancy

14. Seed to Plant and Plant to Seed Transmission of Pathogens and their Management

15. Seed Legislations Governing Seed Quality Including Seed Health

16. Important Seaborne Diseases of Rice

17. Important Seaborne Diseases of Wheat

18. Important Seaborne Diseases of Maize

19. Important Seaborne Diseases of Sorghum

20. Important Seaborne Diseases of Pearl Millet

21. Important Seaborne Diseases of Oat

22. Important Seaborne Diseases of Barley

23. Important Seaborne Diseases of Chickpea

24. Important Seaborne Diseases of Lentil

25. Important Seaborne Diseases of Black Gram

26. Important Seaborne Diseases of Greengram

27. Important Seaborne Diseases of French Bean

28. Important Seaborne Diseases of Cowpea

29. Important Seaborne Diseases of Soybean

30. Important Seaborne Diseases of Peanut

31. Important Seaborne Diseases of Sunflower

32. Important Seaborne Diseases of Sesame

33. Important Seaborne Diseases of Castor

34. Important Seaborne Diseases of Jute

35. Important Seaborne Diseases of Eggplant

36. Important Seaborne Diseases of Tomato

37. Important Seaborne Diseases of Capsicum

38. Important Seaborne Diseases of Cauliflower

39. Important Seaborne Diseases of Cabbage

40. Important Seaborne Diseases of Pea

41. Important Seaborne Diseases of Carrot

42. Important Seaborne Diseases of Okra

43. Important Seaborne Diseases of Radish

44. Important Seaborne Diseases of Guar

Species Index