No bilingual dictionary can do all things for all the people. As its title suggests, Hindi-English-Hindi Dictionary focuses on the realities and practicalities for using Hindi for non Hindi users.
The Audience? Short-term visitors who want more than a tourist’s perspective, foreign residents new and old who need help with making a life and a home in India, Non Resident Indians and Indians themselves who because of low proficiency in Hindi Language, want to tap the pulse of the Hindi language for urgent use and application.
To make the publication as useful as possible for these profiles, we have divided it into three stand-alone units:
1. The Additional Information: Important words useful for tourists and non-Hindi users. Hindi language: Vowels and consonants, grammar, pronouns, adjectives, aggregatives, ordinals, verbs, adverbs, post positions, conjunctions Basics: Currency, colour, time and days, flowers, vegetables, fruit & nuts, animals, birds, reptiles, an insects, family, friends and other people, very important people Essentials: Food items, cooking, tastes, spices and medicines, beverages, parts of the body, ailments Conversation: Courtesy, visit to a doctor, in a restaurant and at the railway station
2. The Hindi–English–Hindi Dictionary in the English Alphabetical order A-Z
3. Places of interest for Foreign Tourists
This book Useful for School students.