Research Methodology A Theoretical Approach By D.Napolean, B.Balaji Sathya Narayanan
Book Summary:
Nowadays, due to the importance of research in all fields, research methodology has become a part of curriculum for all subjects. Today many students from rural areas find their places in reputed institutes. When we handled classes for them, we found that they were finding difficulty in understanding the fundamental theoretical information of research, as there were too many technical words used throughout the Advanced Research Methodology books. Having seen this as an opportunity to serve such students from rural background, we have developed a simplified version of Research Methodology text, which would be easier for any first time reader to understand the basics of research with ease.
Audience of the Book :
This book useful for Engineering & Management students.
Key Features:
The main features of the book are as follows:
1. This book has been written in a lucid, crystal-clear and comprehensible language, keeping specially in view about the students with the rural background so that they can grasp the subject-matter easily. Any relevant suggestion is welcome.
Table of Contents:
1. Fundamentals of Research
2. Identification of Research Problem and Defining the Objectives of the Study
3. Research Methodology
4. Analysis of Data
5. Research Plan, Research Report and Referencing System